Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Goldman Sachs slashes compensation: now only $363,654

Boo-fucking-hoo. But can anyone explain to me why wage concessions from workers (not executives) is part of the proposed automaker bailout, but we're not requiring any salary caps or executive compensation limits as part of the great Wall Street Bailout of '08?

Bloomberg.com: Worldwide: "Dec. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc. eliminated 2,500 jobs in the fourth quarter and slashed average pay per worker 45 percent to $363,654 as the firm posted the first quarterly loss since going public almost a decade ago."

But how will those poor bastards survive on only $363,654 apiece? Well, it's time for us as a nation to pull together, I guess we all have our burdens to bear, right?

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